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Showing posts from November, 2016

The best reasons to study abroad

Many people around the world are asking themselves the following: why spend so much money and effort to go to study abroad? There are a lot of studies done by universities and large companies that emphasize the importance of international experience and positive effects that this adheres to your resume. In the competitive and globalized world in which we live, the experience of life, cultural contact and specialization are elements that will give you an advantage over the rest and that every time employers value more. Undoubtedly having lived abroad, shows companies that you have a mind with an interest in novelty, an adventurous spirit and the ability to leave your comfort zone and adapt to unfamiliar situations. Without neglecting the valuable language tools you develop on the road abroad and the enormous process of personal maturation. Regardless of where you have the best universities in the world, the experience of living abroad is unique and therefore we share with you the ...